This is where I am going to keep an online journal of the funny things that Chase says. They are slipping by by the day because I don't keep track!
February 22, 2011
As I was following Chase upstairs to get in the bath (she had already stripped downstairs and was walking upstairs in her birthday suit), I was saying that I was going to get her biscuits (bottom). I said it a couple of times and finally she turned around and said to me "you are frustrating me Mama."
March 3, 2011
John had gotten in the habit of asking Chase for a kiss and then right as she would lean in to kiss him on the cheek, he would turn his head so that she would hit his lips. He would do this one right after the other. Finally, she started saying to him, "Be still", and she would always kind of whisper it. I never even knew she did this, and one day John said, I just love when she says "Be still", and I had no idea what he was talking about. Now that he's made such a big deal out of it and pointed it out to me, she doesn't do it anymore :(
March 7, 2011
Chase woke up at 5 this morning coughing and sounding a little bit croupy. I went in and got her and brought her into bed with us. She was laying there coughing very raspily, over and over. Finally she stopped and she was mumbling something. I couldn't quite understand what she was saying, finally I did. She was saying "am I turning into a man?" And I assume she was saying that because her voice was so deep. I assured her she was NOT turning into a man!
March 14, 2011
I watched a friend's baby today and he is very little. When John came home Chase was telling him about baby Des and she told John that he was itty, bitty, tiny.
March 16, 2011
These days Chase's favorite movie is The Aristocats. It is a Disney movie set in Paris in the early 1900's with a cat family owned by a rich Madame. It is a great, uplifting movie without princesses! And being that I love Parisian architecture, I have told Chase about some of the landmarks that they show in it. The best being le Tour Eiffel (that is my attempt to teach her French). Today we had a longer drive in the car so I let her watch it while driving. We were at a stop light when she looked out and saw an electric tower, and she got so excited and said, "look mama, it's that thing...", and I stared out at it and then finally figured out what she was meaning...she thought it was the Eiffel Tower!!
Today I was telling Chase about how tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and that she needed to wear green or else she would get pinched...then our friend Stephanie was telling her how we would be having a party at our house on Saturday...when Chase woke from her nap(she gets confused when she wakes from her nap thinking that it is the next morning), the very first thing she said was, "today is the party day and I'm gonna wear a green dress and the monster isn't going to pinch me?" It was so funny!!
March 19, 2011
I'm not 100% sure that this is what I heard, but I think it is...
In the car today, Chase said, "I have a quesadilla", which meant, I have an idea...
Very funny if that is indeed what she said, but I could have heard wrongly.
Also today, she noticed difference in skin color. We were watching American Idol and when they showed the judges, she said, "what's that black one's name?". And I sort of ignored her because I thought that was a fluke. But then the black kid sang, and said the same thing. Then she also said what's the white one's name? But maybe it was their clothes they were wearing? I just couldn't believe that she would key in on something like that.
March 21, 2011
Today we were web-chatting with my parents and their computer or camera or something has a problem and when we see them, the background is all bright yellow and their faces are bright green. Chase said to Mimi that she looked like the Lizard of Boz (the Wizard of Oz)!! And she did!!!!
Also, my sister in law hit a deer while driving to work this morning. Thankfully, she is ok. When I told Chase and that we should pray for her, she said, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that Aunt Rachel is ok from hitting the reindeer, and also Santa, Amen."
April 8, 2011
There are so many funny things that Chase says that it is hard to remember. She was darling to watch as we went through airports and airplanes on our trip to WA. I had put her pink cowboy boots on her so she was very cute in those and they garnered a lot of attention. She had several people make comments about them and she would say, "thank you, I got them from a garage sale". One lady said oh, I like garage sales too! Then she would proceed to tell them she also got a new kitty from a garage sale. That's true, but it was a stuffed animal one!
On our flight home the man we were sitting next to, made a comment about her boots and she told him the same thing. Then, she continued talking to him like she was grown up. She asked where he was going and who he was going to see. She told him she was going to see her daddy, and asked him where his daddy was (he was probably in his 60's so I was unsure of what his answer would be) but she told him that he lived in Seattle. He told her he was going to San Diego to visit his son and she asked him what his name was. He told her. Then she kept saying, and what's your other son's name, and he kept giving her names. He finally said we could go on like this all I'm not sure if he had that many sons or not!
Her speech really is so good that I forget at times that she is only 2 1/2. She can sing songs really clearly too.
April 14, 2011
We were just reading Chase's Sunday School lesson and it was about Jesus' death and then resurrection. I reminded her that Jesus was raised from the dead and then he ascended and went away. I asked her where he went and she said "China". Close, but not quite!
The other day after preschool we were playing on the playground with several of her classmates. They started playing in the water table and one of the boys splashed a big bunch of water on her face. Later in the day when she woke up from her nap, the very first thing that she said to me was "Grant watered me like a flower!"
April 15, 2011
About mid-week this week, Chase started talking a lot about Uncle Larry and how he was going to eat with us. I was very confused as Uncle Larry had been here back in January, but she hadn't heard much about him recently. Then today I told her that Mrs. O'Leary was coming for lunch and then she started saying Uncle Larry coming for lunch. I then put the two together, and I had mentioned earlier in the week her coming. I knew she was going to be very disappointed when Mrs. O'Leary showed up and not Uncle Larry. The whole time she was over, Chase kept calling her Uncle Larry. It was quite humorous. And thankfully Mrs. O'Leary was forgiving.
April 22, 2011
Some sweet friends kept Chase last night. When we got to their home to pick her up, they told us how talkative she was and how she had them laughing at all her funny things. One story she told them was that we went to the mall this week with a friend and his mommy and Chase said, "my mommy got me darling new shoes". Those are the shoes in the post on hoarding.
She then was flipping through our church pictorial directory and said very matter of fact, "All these people love me". It's probably true!!
May 2, 2011
When I got Chase up this morning, I asked if she slept well and she said "no, I didn't dream of anybody good." Then we were walking downstairs and we could hear electric tools from the yard workers and she asked who was downstairs and I said it was the guys who cut the flowers and she said, "but they so beautiful!"
May 24, 2011
We were at the park and Chase noticed a young dad that had tattoos all over his arms and legs, not much bare skin was showing. I'm not quite sure of the whole conversation that took place, but I did hear her asking him questions about all the colors on his arms.
We were at the grocery store and Chase was in the front of the cart and we were in the checkout line. All of a sudden I heard her say to the lady behind us, "Hi, my name's Chase, what's your name?" She had to repeat herself again as she didn't respond the first time. Then the woman said "Kathleen". Then Chase said to her, "Is that your sister? and the woman said, No, that's my daughter". Then Chase asked her where her mommy was. The woman said Santa Barbara. Then Chase pointed to me and said, "that's my mommy".
May 30, 2011
I was telling John that all of a sudden it hit me that I was sunbeat and tired and Chase said, "who hit you?"
Instead of tomorrow or yesterday, Chase says to-now or to-later or last morning.
June 5, 2011
We were at the beach yesterday and Chase made some new friends to play with. One of the families had a little girl in it about Chase's age and they were a Mexican family. We explained to Chase that they spoke Spanish like Dora the Explorer. And John was even telling her how to say "My name is Chase" in Spanish. There was not a love connection there due to the language barrier. After a couple of hours I heard Chase making all sorts of gobbeldy gook sounds (I don't know how to write in words how she was talking!). I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I'm speaking Spanish like they do!"
June 7, 2011
The other day Chase was going to the bathroom and I was standing close by and she said to me, "Give me some privacy.". OK! Noted!
Chase was brushing her teeth in our bathroom (we have 2 sinks, mine and John's). When she finished, she pointed to John's sink and asked if that was for boys. I said yes and she walked over to my sink and threw her toothbrush in there. She tosses her toothbrush in the sink when she is done brushing.
Yesterday at the beach I noticed a man with a UGA baseball cap on. I pointed at the man to Chase and asked her what his hat said and she said "GEORGIA!!!", very enthusiastically. I then told her she should go over and ask him about it....and she did. Since I didn't walk over with her (I know, good mom, sending my 2 year old over to a random stranger), I don't know what conversation pursued. But he kept looking between she and I and was laughing, and they talked for a good couple of minutes. Then she came back to report that yes, he did like Georgia!
June 21, 2011
Chase is going to a vacation bible school this week (VBS). She just told me that she was crying for me at TRS because she missed me. Close, but not quite the same letters!!
July 18, 2011
Chase: Daddy, I have good news and I have bad news.
John: What's the bad news?
Chase: I love mommy.
John: What's the good news?
Chase: I love daddy.
Chase: Daddy, can I ask you a favor?
John: Yes.
Chase: Can I ask you a favor?
John: Yes.
Chase: Can I ask you a favor?
John: What?
Chase: Can you pick up my doll for me?
September 21, 2011
Chase has had a cough for a few days and she just told me (after a bout of coughing) that her teacher told her NOT to cough into her hand. I asked her how she IS supposed to cough then and she coughed into her elbow, like the vampire cough! So I guess she is learning stuff after all!
February 8, 2012 (I have some catch up here)
Chase is sick again. She is laying in our bed watching PBS Kids, asking for things every once in awhile. She just asked me to get her some more chocolate milk, so I did. She's all cozy in the fuzzy blanket and has her paci's with her and I handed her her milk. Then she sat up and rearranged herself and said "Mama must really love me". Melt my heart!!
I started reading a Laura Ingalls Wilder book to her. They were talking about going in their covered wagon to "Indian Territory". I asked her if she knew what Indians were, and she exclaimed, "like Adrita!" Adrita is our Indian neighbor that she loves to play with (of course not the same kind of Indian!! But technicalities, right?)