
Sunday, November 21, 2010


November has been a crazy month for us with visitors.

But it has been truly a wonderful month!

As Thanksgiving approaches, it is easy for me to see so much that I am thankful for.
What a great month that I would be able to see both of my brothers (and my new sis-in-law) and one of my dearest friends from when I lived in Philadelphia.  (I still have friends to come, but can't write about them yet!)

Selina has become a dear sister in the faith to me.  We were good friends while I lived in Philly, and met at church, and had lots of fun....beach house in the summer, nights out on the town, one fun formal event!  And then I moved out to San Diego, got married, and there were some years there where we did not communicate all that much.  But then in about 2005 or so, we got reconnected and now she has become one of our more frequent visitors.  We have a lot in common and share a lot of the same beliefs, feelings, ideas on life.  Every time we are together, we just pick right up and start where we left off.  This visit in particular was great because she stayed almost a full week and offered to watch Chase for 24 hours for us!  What a friend!!  She always cooks a delicious meal for us (usually something Spanish or fish) and always makes sangria for John, because it has become his favorite little treat.

And now she has become one of Chase's favorite people.  Selina is "Ninoo" to her, her name was too hard for Chase to learn at first.  It is always a blessing to me to see my friends embrace my family.  And Ninoo has certainly loved Chase well.  She brings her sweet gifts, reads to her, fixes her hair, loves on her by keeping her for us, and my list could go on and on.  

The Lord has reminded me of how faithful He has been to me over the years, always blessing me with one friendship or another.  I've had a lot of loss as far as close girlfriends go this year, but He is always faithful!  And the friendships continue on, sometimes just in a different way.  And yet, I am reminded that these relationships are not always the most important, because they change, move away, etc. But the Lord is there for me, always and forever.

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