
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Respite Full of Love

I had a little weekend getaway to Washington D.C. to visit two very dear friends over the weekend.  It was so nice to only have to pack for myself and then fly for all of those hours all alone, actually reading a book!  And of course I had so much fun with my friends, seeing them in their worlds, their homes, meeting their friends.  It's always funny to me when I go to D.C., that I'm not really going for the typical D.C. reasons.  There is this great city with zillions of things to see and do, great history to visit, tons of free museums, and yet, the best sights to me, are my friends.

Too many late nights talking, good, deep, soul stirring discussion...delicious home cooked meals, warm and delightful lemon-cranberry muffins, fun night out on the town (a bit of fish out of water syndrome for this stay at home mom of a 2 year old)...5 mile walk around the monuments, visiting an old home being undisturbed...

It was a fun time for me, and a first since Chase was born.  And yet, my heart longed for my family...for my sweet little girl, and my dear Valentine waiting for me at home.  Daddy did a great job and really enjoyed his time with his little girl. I am thankful for a husband that will allow me this "me time".  What a blessing!

::  These are pictures of the cookie baking we did for the sweet women that kept Chase for me  ::

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are precious Heidi! So happy you had such a lovely time, and that John did so well on the home-front. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. After you commented this morning, I went back to that same post and added a few more things. Make sure to re-read :) Love and miss you.
