
Thursday, April 21, 2011

:: My Little Hoarder ::

I'm slightly concerned about my baby.

She is a collector.  She finds things and then can't live without them.

I think borderline hoarder is more like it.

You can see in these pictures her current favorites:

2 Mr. Potato Head noses, pink and red

2 books: one she has never read, one library book about gum that she is obsessed with

She got some new jelly shoes (hello 80's) that she had to wear to bed

Baby Porcupine (a nail scrubber)

And then there is always her cache of stuffed animals of the moment

This could be a new weekly posting; what is Chase sleeping with these days?

She's not going to end up on that crazy show about Hoarders, is she???

1 comment:

  1. ha. ha. That is cute..... she might have Abby's spunk, but I think her "hoarding" might be a sign she'll be organized like Ellie. We recently watched a video when Ellie was 5 or 6 and her closet was HILARIOUS!! Now it had a lot of stuff "hoarded" in it but it was indeed organized, so I guess you just need to keep an eye on her to see where this goes :)
