
Thursday, April 12, 2012

{Becker's Arrival:: Part 3}

Shortly after John and Chase got to the clinic, John called to let me know that they were about to get into an ambulance to take Chase to the Children's, hello??
He told me not to worry, that they had given Chase some breathing treatments, but for some reason they wanted her to go to Children's.  
So, as I was getting Beck ready to walk out the door, I get this phone call...
and I was pretty calm, til I texted Anna what was going on and then she texted back and asked if I'd called anyone from church yet.  And I hadn't, and then I started to cry, because here Anna was a thousand miles away and she thought this sounded serious enough that I might need some support.  
So now I did for sure!!!

My dear friend Steph met me at the clinic so she could be with Beck and me.
As I pulled up to the clinic, I saw John grabbing Chase's carseat to take in the ambulance.
They got down to the hospital and monitored her for several hours...she watched movies.
Beck got some blood drawn to re-test his bilirubin, which the doctor said was fine.
But, come again on Monday morning and get checked well as follow up with Chase.
Steph and I went to my fave Chick-fil-A afterward for some lunch, then she went down to the hospital to pick up Chase and John.  She was a lifesaver this day.  It was so nice to have her with me and help keep me calm by being there and talking to me.  And what a blessing that she could run and get them.
That night John said it was imperative to keep the kids separate (really until she was better), so they spent the night at Steph's house and a friend came and stayed overnight with me, because it is only day #2 of being home with a newborn.  Thank goodness for Patricia and her kindness to care for us!
And John set up several days of friends to stay day and night with me...
but by Sunday, it was deemed that Chase needed her mama (it had been almost 4 days since she had spent quality time with me) and it was hard not having my hubby around us, so they came home Sunday afternoon and we were super diligent about keeping them on separate floors and washing hands, etc.
The whole week went on like this.  John took off work - what a treat to have him around.
By Friday sweet Chase got to hold her "brudder" for the first time.
What a crazy week it was!

Chase was diagnosed with asthma, to be followed up by the allergist (only allergic to dust mites, but the doctor was so great telling us what our daily and emergency plans should be)
She now uses a nebulizer twice a day, but is going to go back to an inhaler/inhalent.
We feel so much better now, even though we are heading out of cold season.  Next year we'll be ready for the germs and hopefully not need to wonder on those scary nights if she's going to make it.

I guess that officially ends Beck's arrival story.

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