
Monday, December 24, 2012

{Merry Christmas}

We didn't send out Christmas cards last year because I intended to send out a birth announcement after Becker's arrival...that never happened!

So at least now I intended to send out Christmas cards including a picture of sweet little fella...and then we vacillated on sending them due to postage costs...and so, unfortunately, this gal that loves some snail mail, is not sending them out this year!  That darn USPS!!

A couple of weekend's ago we met our sweet friend P at a local park and she took some great pictures for us.  So now I can put our top 4 photos instead of just the one!

What a year 2012 has been.
Of course we are most thankful for the addition of Becker William Hatcher (3/15).
He is healthy & strong (for the most part ~ minus the fact that he's been sick in large part due to his preschool attending sister!!).  He is so sweet - we cannot get over how enjoyable he is or how quickly this time has gone by.  With Chase we remember just talking about how we hoped we would make it one year, and now with him he is already 9 months!  I now understand why people like babies!  
Sort of - we don't get the lack of sleep and the nights he stays awake all night long, totally randomly...
but other than that, he has been a true blessing!
He weighs 18 1/2 pounds and is in the 25% for weight and 32% for height.
He scoots around and gets everywhere he wants...he has started eating small cut up food in the last week.  He has 6 teeth (Chase had none til 14 months!)  He loves to clap.  He is delighted (and tormented) by his loving big sister!

One of the best parts of having a baby this year was that we had so much company!
It was wonderful.   Both sets of parents, aunts, uncles, dear friends, great grandparents, cousins...
we loved every minute that we got to spend with these people and were so very appreciative of all the help, care & love.

Our Chase is just growing and getting so big - she is now 4.  It's hard to believe that she is (hopefully) in her last year of preschool and will go next year to PEPP which is a transitional Kindergarten that we have here in our school district for those with birthdays July - December.  Although we recently found out that you have to get into our elementary school, which is 2 blocks from us, by lottery.  That was surprising since we pay extra property taxes to live in this neighborhood and attend these "great" schools!  But we are fairly certain that she will be able to get in.  This means kindergarten basically like when I attended.  There are half days, a lot more fun and play.  She gets to get used to a big school, 5 days a week, etc.
She'll be sad, I think, to leave her friends and school that she's been at for 3 years. 
Chase is so social and very verbal and emotional.  She loves her friends and pretty much anytime we have to leave them, she bursts at the seams and cries because she is just not ready.  She is very loving and thinks often of others and how they are feeling.
She loves going to church and seeing her friends there and she is getting better about sitting through half of the church service before going off to kids church.  She loves to sing and I think once she is reading she will be much more engaged in the church service.
She loves princesses, loves to collect things, loves stuffed animals...
she enjoys watching Spongebob Squarepants with her daddy every once in awhile...
she loves playing outside on her plasma car and bike with some neighbor girls...
she is becoming quite this little artist and is getting good at writing her letters.  
She often will ask me how to spell things.
We did some fun Christmas crafts and baking together this year and she is finally getting to the age where she if fun to do these things with.

John continues to work at Hewlett-Packard.  He still enjoys his job quite a bit, after 13 years there.
He is a dedicated, hard working employee for sure!  He primarily works on a team of 5 and is the lead of this little pack.  HP has definitely had some rough days this year.  Of course we are just thankful for the day that he has a job ~ one never knows what tomorrow can bring.  We've seen several friends struggle though unemployment and it is a hard time for them...for so many in this country.  We do not want to take employment for granted at all!  He continues to be a deacon in our church.  He recently joined the finance team at church and was really excited about a new area to serve in.  
This year he's taken up shooting baskets each day at work as a bit of a break in his day.  He enjoys sharing with us his percentage of accuracy each night.  Chase loves to ask him every day if he's "solved any problems" that day.  She gets a real kick out of that!
He is a busy daddy, not having much time to do stuff for himself.  He is such a help in the evenings and pretty much lets me do whatever I want/need over the weekends.  I'm so thankful for him and his involvement in our family.  He's pretty much known to all as having a baby strapped to him for the past 9 months with a baby bjorn!  

And I continue to be a busy mama!  
I've enjoyed keeping this blog as a baby book/journal for our family. 
I really backed out of all of my commitments for 2012, so it was definitely different for me.
I'm used to meetings out several times a month, email correspondence for responsibilities, and all of that stopped this year.  It was good for me, but I also felt a bit disconnected in all area of my life.
I really need some outlets to give of my time and energy - so will be figuring out soon where to give this next year.  
Besides running after the kids, I'm involved in a weekly bible study at our church.  John and I continue to teach the 5th graded Sunday School class also.  I've been putting a lot of time into my health and losing my pregnancy weight this year.  That's fun but hard to work in with a baby especially!
In the fall I joined a challenge group to encourage each other to lose weight.  I've purchased an at home product called Les Mills Pump.  It's been great for me.  I was a member of a gym that did these kinds of classes for a while and loved it, so I knew I would enjoy the workout.  I watched a woman totally transform herself with this series, so thought I'd give it a try.  It's been really fun and it's working.
And then I'm out and about a lot on playdates and getting together with other moms to encourage each other.  So, to say that I'm a stay at home mom, isn't totally true!  I'm mostly on the go!!

It's been a good year.
We've grown as a family for sure.
John &  I continue to spur one another on...we celebrate 10 years of marriage next week.
We think back at those beginning years and can't imagine what we did with all of that free time & money!  If only we knew then what we know now!  Oh well.
It's been a very good ride!  The Lord has been gracious to us.
We are blessed and we are thankful.  

We get to see both sides of all of our immediate family this Christmas.
We are very excited! 
It's a new thing for us - we'll be spending about 5 days in Portland with my family & about a week in Seattle with John's family.  It'll be colder & wetter than we are used to for sure!
Chase is super excited to see everyone!

So to whoever reads this: Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2013.
Thanks for keeping up a bit with our life!

1 comment:

  1. Great update and FABULOUS pictures. So so so cute. Love that both kids are smiling!!
