
Monday, March 18, 2013

:::::Becker's Birthday Bash:::::

We celebrated with a small party the day after his birthday.
The weather was glorious (you never can be sure for a winter outdoor party here).
The kids got sick the day before so we went back & forth about whether to have it or not.
But we pressed on since most of the kids that were coming had already been exposed to us before we were sick, earlier in the week!

The theme was sort of a circus...I always have theme ideas in my head but then they don't quite come out like I was expecting.  Oh well!!

Just 5 kids came, 3 families with little buddies about Beck's age.
Then some of our fabulous, local, adopted grandparents/family.

Beck definitely was not his usual smiley self.  That was a bit sad.
But we are glad that we had it and shared this occasion with loved ones.
He is most definitely loved by MANY!

::the food::

::the cake (which I was awfully proud of!)::

::the goody bags & activities::

::our sweet friends that we love::

::the cute birthday boy playing::

::the eating of my masterpiece::

Thank you for helping us celebrate Beck's first year of life!


  1. So fun! Too bad Lucy is scowling in the pic you posted. She had a good time! (And now has a runny nose...oh well!) Great party.

  2. Everyone looks like they had fun. Live the ball pit idea. Hope you don't mind if I borrow that idea. You did a great job on the cake! Hope everyone is feeling better.

  3. Heidi, you know how to throw a birthday party! Pretty cool, and your photos are great! Can't wait to meet Beck some day! xoxo, Gail
