
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Part 3- Special Moments with Friends

Another blessing of John and I both being from Georgia originally is that when we go "home" we get to see many friends, as well as family.  This year I'd say we saw even more friends than last year, maybe due to the Hitch's not being there with us.  It was such a joy for me to see such dear friends.  And now that we are getting older, many of our friends have kids.  It was even more fun now that not only can we visit but our kids can play together and become friends.

Looking back, that Christmas tree got a work out!  The Hatchers have a beautiful home that is open and welcoming not only to us, but any and everyone we could possibly want to come and visit us.  We are thankful for all the divine appointments that came our way!  It's neat for me to look back on these friends, and think about the memories made with each of them, and how faithful the Lord has been to me with dear relationships over my years.  These are precious people to me!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again Heidi! Loved the pics w/ Pop and Uncle Charlie. . . glad they got to meet. Uncle Charlie actually called me last week! Second time since I've moved west. So amazing to me that he would. He was so cute, wanting to give me his phone number in case I ever wanted to call to "check in". Glad you had so many wonderful opportunities to have such sweet fellowship.
