
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{Modern Technology}

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant...there are 40 total!  You get my drift?  I am CLOSE!!!!!

I had 2 appointments yesterday...the first was an ultrasound in the morning.  They are monitoring me extra closely because I am OLD (advanced maternal age).  Talk about giving a girl a complex!  My doctor reminds me every appointment of this fact!  The ultrasound went well.  He is head down, they think he weighs about 7.7 pounds and is in the 70th percentile.

But the coolest part was that the technician turned on the 3D part of the machine and we were able to get these photos:   (remember, he is really crammed in there, so it was amazing anything was seen!!)

This top one is the best where you can clearly see his whole face.  I wish I had some lines so that I could point to the eyes, nose, mouth...but I don't.  Start at the top with the head and forehead then go down.  I think his hand is right on the right side of his face (when looking at the pic)

Then this picture you can see him chewing on his that is blocking his mouth.

And this last one is his grumpy old man face!!  And again, his hand is in the way of his whole right side of his face.  He was uncooperative with his hand in his face.  The tech kept trying to get him to move it by tapping the wand thing on my belly, but he wouldn't move it.  Another stubborn child!!  Fab!

Then in the afternoon I went to see my OB and she gave me the news that I'm 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.  That is encouraging at least.  She said not to get too excited as I could still go a couple of weeks, but likely, maybe that means I won't be late?

After seeing her, she hooked me up to the fetal monitoring machine where they are checking his heartbeat, measuring contractions and I have to click a button every time I feel him move.  This lasts from about 20-30 minutes.  This is what that scene looks like:

So I have to start going twice a week now til he's born to have this monitored as well as my fluid levels.  
Who ever said having children was EASY????

I guess I should be thankful that they are on top of things and are doing the best to take care of my old self!

I feel like we have most everything in place.  We brought in all the baby stuff from the garage this last weekend and this weekend we can set things up as well as wash things.  Chase is going to take a "big sister" type of class on Saturday through our clinic.  I think that will be helpful.  We also need to get our final plan in tact for what we will do with Chase once I go into labor.  We have some ideas, but nothing in stone.  And I guess I should pack our bags too!  

Easy peasy, right???

Thursday, February 16, 2012

::Valentine's Week::

It's been a nice week in San Diego (for me anyway!)
It's been much cooler and RAINY for several days.
As in, lots of snow in the local mountains and schools were closed today there!

It's also been a week to think about love: giving and receiving.

Monday night we got go on a family date night to our fave:
It was great.  Again, I was so impressed.  They had flowers for each family member, conversation joggers to get talking, a little bag of goodies for the kids, a craft and of course pix with the cow!
It was a fun night and nice to be able to date as a fam!

Then on Valentine's Day, we had a nice morning of coffee and milk in bed (our usual routine)
and some fun gifts were given by all!  
I sure loved my little treat!!

I got to take Chase to school, where it was pink, red and hearts everywhere!

Then I had a lovely coffee date with a sweet friend that I haven't connected with in almost a year I fear.
We had such a nice time, catching up and sharing what's going on in our lives. That was special.

I cooked a semi-homemade meal that was delish this night...

Then last night John and I got to go out for a Valentine dinner.  We went to the restaurant in Del Mar where we went after we got engaged.  It didn't have the same dazzle that we'd remembered.  Plus I was feeling weird all night, so it was a strange outing!  But nice nonetheless because it was quiet and we could think AND talk!!

So, it's been a lovely week around here...we still seem to all be fighting a little some sorta sickness.  It would surely be nice to all be healthy again.  One day I suppose!

We love you and hope you all are feeling the love this week!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

{Moments from Sick Days}

It's been another tough week in the Hatcher household with sickness.

Thought you might like to see how the day is passed!!

It seems there is a lot of action in the kitchen and my bedroom...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

(A Refreshing Getaway)

This past weekend I had a great opportunity to attend a "mom's" conference in Irvine, CA hosted by Sally Clarkson of Whole Heart Ministries(  I host a discipleship group at my house and about a year ago we read one of her books, "The Mission of Motherhood".  It was such a blessing to this new mother.  (I highly recommend this book to new moms, great shower gift!)

Sally and her husband run this ministry because they felt, years ago, like the American family was in such jeopardy and wanted to create something that would train up and encourage families.  It was really neat because it truly was a family affair.  When they started doing conferences, they made it a point to have their children involved.  So even to this day, with 4 grown children, they are all usually involved is some way. Her husband and son lead worship...her eldest son is a piano composer and has several CD's.  He spoke some about his journey and then played some of his music for us.  Her youngest son was there promoting his first book written, "Wisdom Chasers".  He is actually trying to "break" in to Hollywood/acting.  He spoke and was so well versed.  Then her youngest daughter, a senior in high school, spoke about christians today being engaged in popular literature.  She is a competitive speech/debater and actually practiced her first place winning speech on us.  She was amazing for a 17 year old.  Her eldest daughter is currently studying a semester at Oxford, so was unable to speak.  But I was just so impressed with the whole family.

I get discouraged many days because I don't feel like great "mom" material.  But, I need to remember that this is my calling in life at this moment in time, it is a blip in time.  Some days it feels like it will last forever, that my little girl will snuggle on my lap always....but I have to remember that it won't and she won't.  This time is limited and it is what the Lord has called me to for today and tomorrow.

The theme of the conference was: The Heartshaping Mother, How to Open, Fill and Hold your Child's Heart.  I have to remember that I am doing Kingdom work and have an eternal life that I am pouring into.

I will copy some of the notes I took so that some of you moms might be encouraged too!

Are you being an adversary (in your face parenting/against your child) or
An Advocate (in your heart parenting...I will cheer you on and encourage you)

What is a Heart Shaping Mother?
She shapes with relationship that opens her child's heart with grace.
Biblical model: Christ

She shapes with influence that fills her child's hears with truth.
Biblical model: Paul

She shapes with culture that holds her child's heart with love.
Biblical model: John

A Heart Shaping Mother's Heart is Shaped by God's Word
Every heart has two beats: Intake and Outflow

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - You cannot teach diligently to your child's heart what is not already on your own heart. (I am in a battle, my kids' hearts' will be filled by someone, who will it be? Me or someone else?)

Colossians 2:6-7 - You cannot overflow with thankfulness unless your spirit is rooted and built up in Christ.  (How can I overflow if I'm not being filled?  Seek out mentors!)

The Goal of a Heart Shaping Mother
1 Timothy 1:5 - But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.  (Right is always right if no one is doing it and wrong is always wrong if everyone is doing it)

I think I'll stop there for today.  That was just Session 1: Message 1.
I hope there might have been a nugget in there somewhere.
Sally's blog is:

Blessings today to all of you hard working Mama's!!

A wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands. 
 Proverbs 14:1

Friday, February 3, 2012

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. 

A moment I want to pause, savor,  and remember.

{This may not look too exciting, but it's the first day she has totally picked out her clothes and dressed herself. Notice that she completely dressed backwards!!!!!  Too cute!}

Thursday, February 2, 2012

{A Busy Visit}

My parents, Mimi and Grandpa, were just here for 6 days.  Holy moly, we got a lot done!  They worked VERY hard.  I'm so thankful that they were able to work so hard.  They are in good shape and still able to do just about anything.

I had come up with a list of things to do (not necessarily just for them) before this baby boy arrives.  John and I have already put in many hours of purging, organizing, building, and then preparing for them to arrive.  Our guest room/office is no longer partially office, it is now guest room/future pseudo baby room.  We still aren't sure of what the eventual room situation will be, but after we move him out of our room, for now, we are thinking we'll put him in the guest room.  So, John built a lovely closet organizer that we totally maxed out and that is partly his closet, partly storage of random stuff.  But boy does it feel good to have that looking so nice.  We had to take the closet doors off to accommodate everything.  I knew of the perfect project for dad: hemming and hanging the drapery panels that would act as doors for now.  He did an awesome job.  Then I casually asked him if he would want to sew a pillow cover for a decorative pillow in that same room and he said sure.  Before I knew it, he'd come up with the way to make it using the drapery scraps!  It turned out beautifully.

...I never did get any BEFORE's, just DURING...(office/guest room)

...the AFTER...

All day Friday was spent hanging, pricing and tagging 150 items for a children's consignment sale that I've sold at in the past.  It's going to be at the end of March, so I knew if I didn't get it done beforehand, it wasn't going to happen.  It took mom and I literally the whole day.  Dad even had to do a couple of hours while I had a dr.'s appointment.  Sheesh!  It was pretty torturous we all thought by hour 10.

...this was the in between phase of this project...

Saturday was a big project day for John and dad.  They installed pull down attic stairs!!  It looked pretty turned out great!  They work really slick.  Unfortunately there is not a lot of space to put things, but at least it allows for easier access.  And of course in amongst all of this, there was a lot more purging going on.  I went through the last 20 years of my life and threw a lot of it away.  It's sort of bittersweet for me, but I need to make room for our current family.

...the AFTER...

...well, it still needs to be painted and trimmed out...

Sunday we rested...I got super sick so was down for the count (still am!)

...this is my new computer set-up in our bedroom...

Monday Mom and Dad touched up the paint throughout our house and Mom hung up some random pictures that have needed hanging for years.  I'm not a very active "interior designer" at this point in my life, am I???

And Tuesday morning they left.  I am so very thankful for them!!  We are definitely ready to have this baby now...just a little more getting the fluffy things done.  In between all of the work, there was still plenty of fun time that they got to spend with Chase, taking walks, going to the park, reading, imaginative play, etc...she just loves to spend time with them!  It is a sweet relationship to watch grow.

Thank you!! Thank you!!