
Thursday, February 16, 2012

::Valentine's Week::

It's been a nice week in San Diego (for me anyway!)
It's been much cooler and RAINY for several days.
As in, lots of snow in the local mountains and schools were closed today there!

It's also been a week to think about love: giving and receiving.

Monday night we got go on a family date night to our fave:
It was great.  Again, I was so impressed.  They had flowers for each family member, conversation joggers to get talking, a little bag of goodies for the kids, a craft and of course pix with the cow!
It was a fun night and nice to be able to date as a fam!

Then on Valentine's Day, we had a nice morning of coffee and milk in bed (our usual routine)
and some fun gifts were given by all!  
I sure loved my little treat!!

I got to take Chase to school, where it was pink, red and hearts everywhere!

Then I had a lovely coffee date with a sweet friend that I haven't connected with in almost a year I fear.
We had such a nice time, catching up and sharing what's going on in our lives. That was special.

I cooked a semi-homemade meal that was delish this night...

Then last night John and I got to go out for a Valentine dinner.  We went to the restaurant in Del Mar where we went after we got engaged.  It didn't have the same dazzle that we'd remembered.  Plus I was feeling weird all night, so it was a strange outing!  But nice nonetheless because it was quiet and we could think AND talk!!

So, it's been a lovely week around here...we still seem to all be fighting a little some sorta sickness.  It would surely be nice to all be healthy again.  One day I suppose!

We love you and hope you all are feeling the love this week!!

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE you too and sure do miss you sweet ones. Love your special gift Heidi! How cute. We need to connect SOOON and talk. Love, me
