
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{Modern Technology}

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant...there are 40 total!  You get my drift?  I am CLOSE!!!!!

I had 2 appointments yesterday...the first was an ultrasound in the morning.  They are monitoring me extra closely because I am OLD (advanced maternal age).  Talk about giving a girl a complex!  My doctor reminds me every appointment of this fact!  The ultrasound went well.  He is head down, they think he weighs about 7.7 pounds and is in the 70th percentile.

But the coolest part was that the technician turned on the 3D part of the machine and we were able to get these photos:   (remember, he is really crammed in there, so it was amazing anything was seen!!)

This top one is the best where you can clearly see his whole face.  I wish I had some lines so that I could point to the eyes, nose, mouth...but I don't.  Start at the top with the head and forehead then go down.  I think his hand is right on the right side of his face (when looking at the pic)

Then this picture you can see him chewing on his that is blocking his mouth.

And this last one is his grumpy old man face!!  And again, his hand is in the way of his whole right side of his face.  He was uncooperative with his hand in his face.  The tech kept trying to get him to move it by tapping the wand thing on my belly, but he wouldn't move it.  Another stubborn child!!  Fab!

Then in the afternoon I went to see my OB and she gave me the news that I'm 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.  That is encouraging at least.  She said not to get too excited as I could still go a couple of weeks, but likely, maybe that means I won't be late?

After seeing her, she hooked me up to the fetal monitoring machine where they are checking his heartbeat, measuring contractions and I have to click a button every time I feel him move.  This lasts from about 20-30 minutes.  This is what that scene looks like:

So I have to start going twice a week now til he's born to have this monitored as well as my fluid levels.  
Who ever said having children was EASY????

I guess I should be thankful that they are on top of things and are doing the best to take care of my old self!

I feel like we have most everything in place.  We brought in all the baby stuff from the garage this last weekend and this weekend we can set things up as well as wash things.  Chase is going to take a "big sister" type of class on Saturday through our clinic.  I think that will be helpful.  We also need to get our final plan in tact for what we will do with Chase once I go into labor.  We have some ideas, but nothing in stone.  And I guess I should pack our bags too!  

Easy peasy, right???


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Heidi, That baby resembles Zach, don't you think? Good luck! I like your Friday picture with the little girls! Gail
